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Premier Bankruptcy Lawyers: your portal to the nation’s leading bankruptcy attorneys and practice area news

 In the United States, bankruptcy is governed by federal law, commonly referred to as the “Bankruptcy Code” (“Code”). The United States Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 4) authorizes Congress to enact “uniform Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States”. Congress has exercised this authority several times since 1801, including through adoption of the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, as amended, codified in Title 11 of the United States Code and the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA).

Each year Premier Bankruptcy Lawyers (PBL) researches and recommends leading bankruptcy lawyers across the United States.  PBL lists only one attorney and firm in each city and inclusion to the guide is by invitation only.

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Bankruptcy And Restructuring In The US: A Snapshot Of 2024

2024 brought a number of headline stories that will impact the bankruptcy and restructuring market in 2025 and beyond. A few of those are summarized below. LMEs (Of course). Liability management exercises — sometimes referred to as “lender-on-lender violence” — continued on their growth trajectory during 2024, with restructuring advisors looking for (and finding) gaps in credit documents that allow for [...]

A Tale Of 2 Rulings: Serta, Mitel Cases Remind Why Contract Language Matters In Debt Documents

Highlights A three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit has unanimously held that the debt exchange undertaken by Serta Simmons Bedding did not qualify as an “open market purchase” under the terms of Serta’s 2016 credit agreement. Therefore, the “uptier transaction” was not permitted, with the Fifth Circuit remanding certain aspects of the case back [...]

Bankruptcy allows individuals, couples, and businesses that cannot meet their financial obligations to be excused from repaying some or all of their debt.  If you have questions regarding bankruptcy law contact one of our recommended attorneys today.